Thursday, December 31, 2009

Special Event 1

Happy new year peeps.
Now that it's a new year,
new stuff will boot out the old stuff.
Even though some things never change.
It's O level year for me too.
And to all the Sec 4's out there.
Good luck for O levels this year.
And just do the english project.
Don't care the rest of the holiday homework.
Serious waste of paper if we do it now.
Do it when O levels are nearing dammit.

As for the English project.
My topic is "the arts".
I'm going to use this oppotunity to revise O level music.
And promote metal and diss pop.
"I really don't like pop music because it is not concerned about the society's condition, they are too conformist, their songs are, in most cases, just utter nonsense, or happy-go histories about adolescent romances, a day at school and other examples of crap, pop is really childish and immature, that's why I don't EVER hear these trash that the media keeps launching at us, like Jonas brothers and Demi Lovato etc."
Straight from a metalhead on youtube.
I definitely would want to add on to that.
But another time.
It's 2010 now.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Camps after camps...
Activities after activities....
So Bloody tired.
Lets start with the first camp, OBS.

Its is a REAL camp.
They give you rations, not meals.
You sleep in stinky tents at random places, not bunks.
You eat whatever was in the mess tin, not whatever was in the wok.
Face the consequence of your actions, not face your teacher in charge.
There were 2 main activities during the camp.
Land Expedition and Sea Expedition.
Sea EXpedition was basically kayaking the whole of Pulau Ubin.
Should take around 6hrs.
We took 10hrs.
Bad weather and stuff like that really dragged us back.
But peeing in the sea and shit like that.
It was fun.
Land Expedition was a hike around Pulau Ubin looking for checkpoints.
Oh yeah, with each of us carrying a 16+kg backpack.
20L Jerry Cans anyone?
Next post will be about Class chalet and CO camp.

BTW I'm thinking of whether I should put the chatbox back.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


What's does life have in store for me?
I really want to know.
For the better or the worst.
I feel so screwed now.
Other than some good improvements in studies and sports,
I feel that the rest just backtracked.
I still can't seem to feel happy about anything thats happening.
Is it because I'm not being appreciative?
Or is all this fated?
I really want to know.
Reluctance just hogs me.
Thinking of so many things...
It's making me insane.
All I want now is a retreat.
Some peace and quiet.
Some time to sort out my thoughts.
So that when life passes me the baton,
I am ready to take off.
I will challenge life.
For I am but a moving fortress.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Exams are over!!!
Yet I feel as if there is homework to be done....
Maybe its because I have not done a lot of the revision papers.
But it's inappropriate and a bit late to do them now :D
Anyway here's how I think the results would be like:

Should get High
Music :D
EL Paper 1
E Maths
Geog Elective

EL Paper 2
CL Paper 1

Sure Die
A Maths
CL Paper 2
Social Studies

Anyway something interesting happened yesterday.
Something that involved the police, us and kids from another school.
Ask any of the 3-5 soccer players they will know :)

Monday, September 28, 2009



Sunday, September 27, 2009


Many people I know have blogs.
They update them often,
Or they leave them dead.
Some blogs have fanciful blogskins.
Some are dull and simple.
But there is 1 thing that these blogs have.
A Tagboard.
The tool that is overused and overabused.
Yes, you know what I'm talking about.
Spam, irrelevant and hater comments.
Every blog that has a Tagboard will inevitably be subjected to these comments.
This blog is one of them.
See the tag on the right?
I am FUCKING serious.
So "member of chsco",
If you want to talk,
Come face to face with me and talk.
This tagboard is not a place to unleash your vocab of unconstructive comments.
I already know who the hell you are.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Got this from Marcus Twan's facebook notes.

Before you can grow up, you must fall in love 3 times.

Once you must fall in love with your best friend, ruining your friendship forever. This will teach you who your true friends are, and the fine line between friendship and more.

Once you must fall in love with someone you believe to be perfect. You will learn that no one is perfect, and that you should never be treated as any less than you deserve.

And once you must fall in love with someone that is exactly like you. This will teach you about who you are, and who you want to be.

And when you’re through with all that, you learn that the people who care about you the most are the ones that you hurt, and the ones that hurt you are the ones that you needed the most.

But most of all, you learn that love is only a concept and is not something that can be defined, it is different to each person that experiences it.

And you will learn to respect each and every person on this earth, knowing that everyone only wants to be loved.


I feel that this piece of ideology makes sense.

Just like Jiraiya said,

"Rejection makes a man stronger."

Reading this also brings back my past memories.

The times where I felt what I did back then was...


The times where Grace and I were the best of friends.

In the next part I'm going to share my thoughts between me and her relating to the given text.

Note that I usually do not share with friends about this.

We first met at Nafa in december 2005.

I found her to be extremely cute and pretty.

She found me cute and hilarious.

When I looked at her and smiled, she would laugh her head off.

Still remember that scene.

Just impossible to forget.

Then we got to know each other better.

Chatting on msn, sms, going out,etc.

Becoming best of friends was inevitable.

This, coincidentally, satisfies the first love.

As we chatted and met up more often, I began to feel that she was just best girl ever.

Quiet, yet sociable.

And super cute and pretty.

Just perfect.

Second love.

On closer observation.

Grace and I are pretty similar.

We both play Dizi.

We both are the quiet type.

We both are from good schools.

We are under the same Dizi teacher.

We both wear our watches on our right hand.

We both have few close friends.

And the list goes on.

The 3rd love is present.

Now that I have been through these 3 loves,

I feel a stronger, matured person.

Especially after that one sms and 3 years of "Dao".

I realised that the reason I had such feelings for her was actually because of her attractive personality.

Until now my feelings are still stuck on her.

And I know that I'm not the only person going through this.

I know. I understand.

We all are trying to achieve a certain happiness that we want.

And the road to happiness is a very bumpy one.

Will you succeed?


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Zzzzz Bored as crayons.
Internet connection these days just suck.
During wolfteam halfway in a match connection error.

Anyway Iron Maiden still owns the shit out of ya.
Watch this epic show my friends. :D

Damn gotta get my hands on it.
Heard a few tracks on it and they were EPIC.
Must buy!!!!!!
Oh yeah I'm back to listening to Helloween and Dragonforce (LOL)
Still waiting for helloween to come up with new stuff though.
Although "King for 1000 years" is IMO the Best and most epic power metal song ever.
And Dragonforce?
I think thst they definitely have improved live over the last few years.
Herman Li claims that the monitors they used to have sucked.
So they can't hear what they were playing.
"I'm playing it right.... Hopefully."
Now they have new monitors!!!
YAY hear the epicness live dude!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Watch out.
CHSCO Exco of 2009/10 is here.
And I'm not in it.
Because I asked for it.
And I am NEVER going to help CHSCO "politically".
Do NOT ask for my help during such stuff like homecoming.
Because I mean what I say.
I do what's appropriate for myself.
If I'm nothing, I'll do nothing.
Because I'm stupid enough to be used as a TOY for this screwed CO.
Must people see a loved one pass away in front of their faces before they learn to cherish?
Seems like it.
From now onwards, I will NOT help, in any way, to improve the community of CHSCO.
I will only train DIZI zu.
Train their musicality.
Give them what's good for them.
What's good for myself.
Because when one does not treasure what SHE has,
SHE will regret when we are gone.
Notice I used WE.
Good luck to CHSCO.
For I predict that if this goes on,
And it is then that SHE will learn to cherish people like us.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Heart of the Metalhead 2/2

It's not enjoyable anymore.
I just can't feel the energy in it.
I feel like a slave; mistreated, unappreciated, unwanted.
Its very different from Xuan Ming being a "slave".
At least he gets something out of his job, both emotionally and tangibly.
There was the energy in the members during his and the others reign.
But now I just feel that everything has changed.
No, not changed, just gone.
Constant pressure during Dazu, inevitable torturing from L during Xiaozu.
At least the juniors are fun to be with.
But thats all.
The bond between me and this CO has been ripped apart.
It just sucks to see people who do little and get appreciated.
While I be a fucking laborer.
Work or die.
Coupled with the "significant other" issue.
I think I should just leave this CO.
I can't survive in a dead CO.
Worst come to worst, I will go overseas to study.
So as to avoid all this "middle fingered" issues.
It's really amazing how I managed to screw up my fucking 3 years in Secondary School.
Just because of 2 people.
I might as well be cooking their dinner for you or pushing your little wheelbarrow to the bank for you.
If you think I will continue on contributing to CO like I always do,
Go suck on a lava lamp.
For I have pride in myself.
And for you the other one,
Well, maybe we need time to understand each other. :)
So thats all for this post.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Heart of the Metalhead 1/2

I really hate my life.
I hate how things are going on.
It just sucks.
Will blog tomorrow

Monday, July 27, 2009


Yes, !@#$ it is cancelled.
Man H1N1 (HeNe, HiNi, Pig flu, Hair 1 Nipple 1 or whatever you call it) really sucks.
Almost everything that involves "contact" is freaking cancelled or shortened drastically in duration.
And the time left after reducing for those affected activities is stupid.
What can you do in 1 hour of CO?
15mins - Find a place to practice
15mins - Warm up
20mins - Practice what shit? 20 mins nia
10mins - Debrief and Zao!!!

At least now its 2 hours.

Back to CHMA.
I really feel so F%%%ing disappointed about the cancelling of CHMA.
I mean, I failed to auditions in the last 2 years, got in this year and its cancelled.
I feel sorry for those involved in CHMA, finalist or iMedia, for putting in so much wasted effort onto this project.
I know you guys are disappointed, we all are.
Damn, next year I'm going to join instrumentals, rock and instrumental band.
Sec 4 already next year.

P.S. Sorry for horrible english. Couldn't think straight at this point of time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I only dream in black and white,
I only dream cause I'm alive.
I only dream in black and white,
To save me from myself.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Addition of music videos

In case you didn't know, I added some videos here.
Yeah fine it didn't go pretty well but just listen to the songs alright?
This week's list includes som Iron Maiden classics and my 2nd favourite megadeth song.
Go on, listen to them.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Recent happenings 1


Yay Cassandra's birthday today!!!
Man couldn't go for your "celebration", had dizi private lesson-.-
Anyways gonna get a new phone soon.
I mean the phone that I have doesn't have earphones!!!
URGH >.<

Thursday, July 16, 2009


There will no longer be anymore super emo posts anymore....
Think I will just *try* to be normal when I'm here.
Anyway I will try to update this blog more often.
